Saturday 3 June 2023

Saturday Shenanigans- A Day in My Life.

 Hello Loves! 

Here's what my day looked like today. 

Set up my June Journal. 



Set some Goals. 

A pen stand and some owls. 

Summer Bloom. 

Gratitude Journal, June Week I. 

I don't really decorate my Gratitude Journal very much, I like to keep it clean and uncluttered. 

The moon tonight is a thing of beauty. 

I honestly was staring it for so long. It looked comically large. Like a big old dollop of ice-cream. 


How was your Saturday? 

Mine was spent journaling and mainly setting up my new Journal for June. I finally got around to using my Traveler's Notebook Passport sized journal. Most of my morning was spent listening to music and decorating my inserts and writing some feelings away. The train accident in Odisha is breaking my heart and I cannot imagine the horror and pain and fear those passengers must be going through. 


I used to take long train journeys every single year when I was a child and the mere thought of being in this situation hurts my heart. I keep picturing my family, all cozy and happy, curled up in our berths trying to sleep or reading a book by the night light and in a moment plunged into absolute chaos. 

God help them and I hope more people are rescued and those injured get better. 

What a horrible accident! 


I also read a lot today. Made a dent in my current read- The Covenant of Water. I am 50% in and really loving it. I still have a whole lot to go and I am curious to see where this story heads. 

My plan for tomorrow is to keep reading, do a spot of cleaning and maybe treat myself to some books to celebrate the Blog turning 10. 

Let's see. 

I hope you're having a good weekend. 

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