Friday 5 June 2020

Friday Favourites: 5 Recently Compelling Reasons to Get Back on Netflix


You guys, I haven't been reading at all. 
Like not a word since the 3rd of June. 
Instead, all I've done this week is a non-stop binging machine. 
When lockdown started, I was determined to not become a slob and just consume unending hours of films and TV shows. And for 2 months I did well. 
And an occasional film every now and then. Things were good. I felt like I was making a good enough use of this time, I mean apart from staring out the window and quietly screaming inside my head, I was doing OK. 

For one reason or another, June has brought out a different side to me. 
My sleep cycle, which for once in my adult life was somewhat normal. I have been a night owl my whole life. I am more alert, productive and generally happier at night. I call it my vampire living. I know it's not good for me but it's how I function. 
But in the last month, by some miracle I was sleeping on time, sometimes even before my bedtime. I was a legit grandma going to bed at early as 7 PM.
(Seriously, who dis?) 
Waking up gloriously well-rested at 5:30 AM.

But not anymore. 
I now go to bed at 5:00 AM and sleep my day away.
I am trying to not be so hard on myself, because things are hard enough as they are. I don't need to add self-hate to the pile. 
I am allowing myself some grace and kindness. 
So if I sleep all day, meh no biggie. 

OK, enough of my essay on self-love during quarantine. 

We got rid of our Netflix subscription at the beginning of March because there was just nothing interesting on there! We'd moved on to Voot, which has some pretty solid thriller series (Asur, The Raikar Case, Illegal etc.) and, of course, there is always the old faithful- Amazon Prime Video. 

However, recently, there have been some pretty interesting content on Netflix and so, as soon as June started, we got back on it! 

Here are five really great documentaries/ shows that I've watched this week and loved on Netflix...

1. Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich: Oh my! 
This documentary-series sheds light on the nefarious and abusive behaviour of Jeffrey Epstein. Abuse, rape, predatory behaviour and every other horrendous thing you can possibly image, this shit did. Seriously what a total prick. 
I didn't follow the Epstein case very closely when it broke in the News. I knew vaguely of what he stood accused of but never all the details. 
So this show was a revelation and it was repulsive. 
This man did so many horrible things to so many young and vulnerable women for years and got away with it. He was filthy rich and friends in the highest places, and this ensured he escaped the law and got away with crimes against women for as long as he did. 

I really enjoyed this show, it is hard to watch, given it's subject matter, but it was so well-worth it learning more about flawed justice systems and seeing that wealth protects you no matter where you live, as in it's not unique to India. 

So good! 

2. Never Have I Ever: This show is so freaking cute and seriously it's the perfect thing to escape into right now. 
A desi teen, kick-ass friends, a love triangle and coming to term with grief. 
This show is adorable but also moving and I was happy to see not OTT with desi tropes. 
I mean Kamala's arranged marriage being so extra, what with her not even seeing Prashant before she shows up on her doorstep was a bit weird and really not how things are done anymore (I hope!). 
Everything else was pretty darn perfect.
Oh and John McEnroe being the narrator was so genius and came out of nowhere. 
Just buckets of comfort and laughs and all kinds of representation. 
So watch this now, if you haven't already. 

3. Tiger King: OMG! 
Like what was this show?
Who are these people? 
And do people really live like this? 
I love fining out about fringe and eccentric communities and folks breeding and raising big cats in America is definitely pretty damn fringe!
I kept reading about everyone going mad over this show a couple of months ago, when it came out and I honestly thought this wasn't for me. I mean...I don't think I've ever seen or been interested in something like this. 
Boy, was I wrong. 
This is the kind of train wreck you can't look away from. 
These people are horrible, every last one of them and those poor animals! 
But this show will blow your mind. 
Cult-like vibes. 
Yes, please! 
If, like me, you've been on the fence about this show, give it a shot. I think you'll like it. 
A total narcissist breeding tigers and a woman, who may or may not have killed her husband trying to shut him down. A rivalry like no other. 

4.The Lovebirds: Need a good laugh?
Love films about things going wrong and hilarity ensuing?
This is the film for you. 
An unsuspecting couple, out for a night out stumbles into a murder and are on a run trying to prove their innocence, while also trying to figure out if they should be together anymore. 
Funny and sweet and hugely entertaining. 
A perfect way to take your mind off things. 

5. Queer Eye Season- 5: Queer Eye needs no introduction! If you enjoy meeting sweet humans, who need a little help and polishing from the Fab 5, then this is just the perfectly heartwarming show to watch! Highly, highly recommend binging all seasons! 

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