Wednesday 8 June 2022

Book Review: Here, There and Everywhere by Sudha Murty.


Book: Here, There and Everywhere 

Author: Sudha Murty 

Publisher: Penguin India 

Pages: 224

How Long it Took Me To Read: 2 days 

Plot Summary: Wearer of many hats-philanthropist, entrepreneur, computer scientist, engineer, teacher-Sudha Murty has above all always been a storyteller extraordinaire. Winner of the R.K. Narayan Award for Literature, the Padma Shri, the Attimabbe Award from the government of Karnataka for excellence in Kannada literature, and the Raymond Crossword Lifetime Achievement Award, her repertoire includes adult non-fiction, adult fiction, children's books, travelogues and technical books. Here, There and Everywhere is a celebration of her literary journey and is her 200th title across genres and languages. Bringing together her best-loved stories from various collections alongside some new ones and a thoughtful introduction, here is a book that is, in every sense, as multifaceted as its author.

Things I Liked: 

1. I always enjoy coming back to Sudha Murty and her work. Her writing style is simple and approachable and comforting. Something about her stories makes me feel like I am visiting with a wise aunt and listening to her talk about her days. This collection was no different. Tinged with elements I have come to associate and enjoy about her writing. 

2. Though the book says these are the best of her stories...let's get one thing straight these are not her works of fiction. These are all non-fiction writings. Stories..well instances from her life and lessons she wants to share. So please go in knowing that. 

3. Almost all of these 'stories' were re-reads for me. I have read pretty much everything SM has written and these stories are ones I have read and loved re-visiting them again. 

4. If you've never read SM's writing before, this collection is a good place to start. To try her writing and read some of her best stories. 

5. These stories cover a wide span of time, right from her childhood, college days to her married life and to the present. They are good representation of various times in her life and her journey. 

6. I love the timeless lessons in these stories. 

7. This was such a quick and interesting read, and one I read with a smile on my face. 

Rating: 4/5 

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