Sunday 2 June 2024

Sunday Diary// Book & Film Recommendation.


What Today Looked Like: 

Started a new book. Mayadevi's London Yatra by Bulbul Sharma is a charming, slice of life and bittersweet stories about regular people and ordinary lives. I am a couple of stories in and really enjoying this book. 

Still reeling from a fever, so most of today was spent sleeping off and sweating off this flu. Ugh. I feel so out of it and weak. 

Coffee in a tiny but happy mug. It's from Chumbak. 

Finally watched Godzilla Minus One and absolutely loved it. It's streaming on Netflix and you have to watch it. I love all things Godzilla but these new one (the American films) and the whole Godzilla is our a bit odd. I am much more inclined to think of him as a super villian. This Japanese film has some seriously good visual effects (it won the Oscar) but it has an incredible story and a whole bunch of amazing characters you grow to care about. It's got thrills and a heart. 

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