Saturday 29 June 2024

Weekend Files: Skies and Books and Coffee.

 Hello Loves! 

I hate that I've majorly slacked off on blogging this month. I don't even know what happened. I fell sick in the beginning of the month and then June just brought a ton of stress and worries and anxiety and I decided to loose myself in books and films and just hide from the world. 

For most part it worked. 

I hid, read and slept and tried to feel better. 

I am hoping July and the second half of the year is loads better. 

Moving on, here is what my weekend has looked like so far... 

Books, my current read that I am so close to finishing up. 

Reading moments. There is nothing better than reading in bed. 


Rain kissed flowers. 

The plan and hope for rest of the weekend is to just get cozy, watch some spooky films and eat some good food. 

Hope this weekend is treating you well. 

I love months that end with a weekend. 

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