Friday 1 July 2022

Hello July 2022 + Rainy Day Reading.

 Hello Loves! 

Long time no chit chat. 

Life has been one crazy bout of being busy and being anxious and packing and unpacking and getting the house livable again. 

It's been a lot. I feel like all of June has been one big stress ball and somewhere all of it just got to be and I took a pretty big break from this space. It was both intentional and happenstance and I have a lot of catch up one. Mostly my June Reading Wrap-Up and my Monthly faves. 

I will slowly get to those. 

But for now, let's talk July! 

Hello July! 

The month of rains and hopefully some good reading! 

Half the year is over. Just gone and now we slip into the second half. My favourite half of the year. The one with all the festivities and joys and the promise of autumn and winter. I am already in the good mood because the monsoon is here and I feel most alive. 


We've had some amazing rain days recently. 

The view outside my bedroom window. 
I have missed this view so much. 

The last of this season's Gulmohars. 

I love the monsoons- Drizzly, dark and perfect days to stay in and read and feel cozy. Aka my favourite sort of days. Today has been gloriously rainy. And I have made the absolute most of it by staying in bed ( a much needed day of rest after a week of manic cleaning) and reading a cult classic, a horror classic. 

The Omen by David Seltzer: Jeremy Thorn and his wife, Katherine, have just welcomed the newest member of their family to the world: their beautiful son Damien. But as the boy grows, so does the terror surrounding him. Fatal accidents, suicides, and unexplained violence seem to follow the Thorns wherever they go—but why? And how can Damien have anything to do with the carnage and bloodshed? He is only a child. But Damien Thorn is like no child on Earth. He bears the mark of the beast. And his time is at hand.

The film adaptation of this book is the first horror film I ever saw, at age five and it changed my life. Ok, not really but it did show me what I loved. I loved horror and since then I have sought out every horror film I could find and it's been a constant in my life. 

I always meant to read the book at some point and today, while I was lying in bed, trying to find something to sink into this book called out to me. It was finally time to read the book and maybe at somepoint re-watch one of my favourite films- horror or otherwise. 

I am currently 60% through and I am really, really loving it. It's a story I know well, yet like in most cases the book has so much more to offer. For one we see and understand the marriage of this couple so much better and why Mr. Thorn agrees to adopt a baby on the sly. The book is also nicely written and I am flying through it. 

If you haven't watched Omen, please try to find a copy. I don't think it's streaming anywhere but it is available on YouTube. I love it and even it's sequel is nicely done, the third installment I am not a big fan of but the first two films are nicely done and good fun. 

I am hoping to finish the book this evening and then maybe watch the film. 

The perfect way to spend a rainy day. 


July is off to a good start and I only hope that the rest of this month bring goodness and calm and peace.

I want to settle back into life. 

Go out. 


Organise my home. 



My laptop has moved into a cozy new home today. I bought this laptop sleeve a few years ago and I finally put it to use. 

Love the colour and the print. 

The shop that made it no longer exists. 

OK, back to my spooky book I go. 

There is also Vol. 2 of Stranger Things S-4 waiting for me, but if I'm being honest..I am not really dying to watch it. I will watch it but I am not that excited. 


Have a wonderful July Behens, I hope it's good for you and me. 

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