Monday 6 February 2023

Hello February 2023 + Planner and Journal Pages.

 Hello Loves! 

I seem to have fallen off the blogging spree. 

I don't like not being regular here, to me this space feels like an extension of my journal. 

February is my birthday month. 

It's obviously my most favourite month in the whole entire year. 

I start this month with so much joy and excitement in my heart and the thing is, I am not even that big on my birthday. I actually get a little blue when my birthday rolls in. 

It's on the 18th if you were wondering. 

But February arrives and lifts my spirits. 

Hello February! 

Hello Darlingggggest of months! 

Be Good. 

Be Kind. 

Be Wonderful!!!! 

I hope this month is great for you and me. 


I think it's so hardwired in me to be excited this month, it's a decades worth of habitual joy and I literally started this month dancing as the clock struck 12! 

Life has been good so far this month. 

There were some minor inconveniences. But then...that's just life! 

I've been doing little things that make me happy and I've been journaling a ton this month. 

Above are pictures from my February Daily Journal. 

I decorated my heart out and made my journal as pretty as I can. 

I love the colours I went with, used my favourite colours- pink and purple. 


I stuck to the same colour scheme in my planner as well. 
Went allllll purple. 

I mostly used my brush pens but I also used some crayons in some of the spreads to just try it out and see how it goes. 

I don't usually colour every single spread (mainly because it's the same artwork and I do like the monochrome vibe of it all) but for my birthday month I decided to go all out and colour in every week. 

I was feeling a little blue one morning, so I put on some music and coloured and coloured for hours. 

And I felt so much better by the end of it. 


Oh, I've also done some decor, will show my complete pages in a separate post. 

Went with yellow for my birthday week. 

And pink to end the month. 

Planner and Journal sitting together. 

My planner is from Roohani Rang. 

My journal, an A6 notebook is from my forever favourite Kikkik. 


Life has been slow and full of films and very slow reading. 

I am currently reading two books and I haven't finished a single book so far in Feb, which for me is a big deal. 

I am reading..

Age of Vice by Deepti Kapoor~~~ which is sooooo hyped right now. They are calling it India's answer to the Godfather. I don't know about that, I am about 45% in and it's pretty good. Very gritty but good and I am curious to see where the novel goes from here. 

I am also reading a non-fiction read, a graphic novel/book called The People of the Indus, which I am really enjoying and I am hoping to just sit still and finish off today. 

So the plan for today is to get some reading done, maybe even finish one of my current reads. 

Rest my eyes. 

Eat something delish. 

And chill and start my week on a good note. 


Hope February has been good to you so far and I hope the rest of this month is good too. 


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