Saturday 11 February 2023

Life Lately: Days of February.

Hello Loves! 

How is your weekend going? 

Mine is thankfully being all sorts of restful and full of books. 

Reading was sorta slow in the beginning of this month, but in the last few days I've been reading a book a day and life feels good again. 

So far in, February seems a little listless and stressful.  And to make matters worse, it's getting hot! Like properly hot here in Mumbai. 


I hate it so much, I was naively hoping it would stay cool till my birthday but no, we are well into summer. 


So solace is being found in cold juices, iced-coffee and stories. 

My birthday week starts on Monday and I am determined to have a fabulous week. 

Orange juice. 

Cold as can be. 

New additions to home. 

Art that I've had for a while and love so much from Diary of a Flower Girl. 

The little ceramic bell is new and came as a freebie with a coffee mug I recently got from Orange Skies. 

Had rasbharis after absolute ages and they were wonderful. We used to have them quite regularly back in Lucknow, a neighbour of ours owned a farm that grew the sweetest rasbharis. 

I bought so many amazing books in January, I really need to do a book haul or two. 

Currently trying to pick some near future reads from this stunning pile. 

A happy corner of home. 

All of February and actually all of this year, I've been really good about keeping up with my journals and planners. And I really hope this streak continues through the year. I find so much joy and sense of calm when I just sit and journal. It's the perfect way to spend some time with myself and my thoughts. 


I've also been watching so many films and TV shows. 

Eating a ton of fruits. 

Thinking about the future. 

Buying a few treats and things. 


All I want to do this month is find little joys and be happy. 

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