Monday 7 November 2022

Monday Moods: The Mellow Days of November.

 Hello Loves and I hope this is a happy Monday in your life. 


Life, so far in November has been good. 

Quiet. Cozy. And full of good books. 

Lots of good reading. 

I've already read two non-fiction books and I am already thinking of what non-fiction title I want to pick up next. 

Might start something new today. 

Hope your days in these post-festive weeks has been good too. 


Here are some snippets from my life lately that's made me very happy. 

My favourite corner of home. 

My books and more books. 

This week I finally got to cleaning and dusting and sorta re-organising this corner full of my books. I cleaned and moved books around and kept books I hope to read soon in the front, so I don't forget about them. 

This was done mainly because I hadn't done this since February of 2020 and also because I got some 12 new books in the mail this week, so I kinda had to made room for my new babies. 


As exhausting as this endevour usually is, it's also something that bring me so much joy. 

Like a lot of joy. 

I still need to deep clean this area and do a fullll move around but with my hand (it still hurts) I can't take on this project on any time soon. 

But hopefully in a month or two I'll change things up again. 

A Lotus Biscoff Cheesecake which is a little treat and a thing of joy. 

Early morning light and my makeshift side table with some plushie friends and my book. 
I love how the light hits our living room in the winter months. 
The mornings look so lovely, all light and lovely. 
It hits my books and I honestly can't stop staring and clicking a ton of pictures. 

Winter sunshine. 
I am hoping we'll have a good winter in Mumbai this year. 
The nights are already cooling down. 
I can't wait for colder days and hot cocoa before bed. 

A cup of coffee, my book and my little set-up. 

My little daily rituals and joy. 


Hope this is a good week for you and me. 

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