Sunday 15 March 2020

Welcome to Introvert Season: 10 Things To Do If You Find Yourself Stuck at Home!


I hope all of you are doing fine and are safe and taking every precaution in the world to protect yourself from this blasted Corona Virus. 
Don't Touch Your Face...which is generally such good advice if you want to keep pimples and acne at bay.
Wash your hands. 
And most importantly stay in if you feel poorly. 
Also, stay in, just in case. 
If you can avoid stepping out, just don't. Hunker down. Why take the risk? 

Now I know it's easier for some of us (Hello fellow Introverts!) to stay in and ride this shit out as compared to those who thrive on being social and being out and feel stir crazy being stuck at home. 
I get it...well..I can empathise, so these are 10 things you can do if you have to be stuck at home. 

I promise the staying in lifestyle is so fun, a different kind of fun than one you are perhaps used to but still FUN! 
So many of us LOVE it. 
Seriously, give a shot. 
Who knows maybe even once this social distancing is over, you might have a weekend or two just being at home?! 

Deep Breath..let's list away. 

1. CLEAN YOUR SPACE:  You're at home and going to be here for while, so why not do a good, proper, deep clean? Spring Clean away peeps. Dust those shelves. Change out those curtains. Clean those fans. Declutter while you are at it. Give your home the refresh it needs. A clean space does wonders for your mental health. And even if you, unlike me, don't enjoy cleaning like Monica Gellar, I promise, you'll feel loads better once you're done. 

2. CHANGE YOUR DECOR: In the same vein as the last point, since you are at home maybe this is a good time as any to move things about and redecorate your home. Move the coach to a new part of the living room, change the cushion covers and curtains and change your bedsheets and pillowcases. Change up the wall art or move around the knick knacks. Give your home a little face lift. YouTube is full of fantastic and budget friendly home improvement ideas to inspire you. Also, if there is a home project you've been meaning to do but been putting off due to time is a good time to jump right into it. For example, I spent all of last evening assembling a stationery cart and setting it up. I also set up my kitchen spice shelf in a new, more organised way. 
Look around your home and see which part of it needs some love and attention. 

3. CATCH UP ON SLEEP:  Let's be honest..most of us could do with more sleep. In our busy lives we tend to compromise on our sleep and this is a good time to make up our sleep deficit. So get those zzzs in. 

4. READ:  Of course the Book Blogger was going to have reading on her list. 
Read the books gathering dust on your shelves. Read the ones sitting on your TBR for ages. Start on a  big book that you've meant to read your whole life. War & Peace let's get that tome read. 

5. NETFLIX & CHILL: Start one to two of the seemingly million series available on online to stream. The show with 15 seasons and hundreds of episodes...start away. Watch the film series you've been meaning to get to. 
Lord of the Rings. 
Star Wars 
The entire Marvel Universe of films. 
There is so much out there to keep you happily occupied. 

6. GO BACK TO AN OLD HOBBY:  The business of living and being an adult can sometimes seriously come in the way of the things that we enjoyed as a kid. Now is a good time as any to re-visit an old love. Pick up those paint brushes. Dust off your old guitar or harmonium. Make some art and craft. 

7. DO SOME KITCHEN EXPERIMENTS: Try making something new. If you have a cook, give him/her a much-needed time off too. Bake a cake. Cook something you love. It is loads of fun! 

8. TAKE CARE OF YOUR SKIN AND HAIR: Nothing like a few days home to give your skin and hair a break from the pollutants outside. Put on a face pack. Do a deep conditioning. Try out a hair mask. Pamper yourself! 

9. PLAY SOME BOARD GAMES: Rediscover your love for your favourite childhood board games! Ludo. Scrabble. Monopoly. Snakes & Ladders. Or even the more "grown up" board games like Settlers of Catan! There are so many great board games out there. 

10. SPEND TIME WITH YOUR PEOPLE: In the daily grind of life and living, we don't often get to spend quality time with those we love and live with. Have more conversations with your significant other, parents etc. Or if you live alone, do a long video call with your bestie or your parents. Time is truly a gift! Spend it with those you love, even if it is virtually! 

There is honestly so much you can do, don't let this forced social seclusion get you down, try to find the silver lining. 
Welcome to Introvert Season. 
Make the most of it. 
Rest, if nothing else. 
Be Safe. 

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