Friday 9 February 2024

Friday Favourites: 6 Movie Recommendations for the Weekend

 Hello, hello,

We come to you today with some very random (and not new) movie recommendations. 

Let's get into it, shall we? 

1. Wait Till Helen Comes (YouTube)

First of all, if you want to watch a bunch of horror and thriller movies and are not finding anything on your usual subs, then go to YouTube and search for horror movies and you will find a bunch of not-so-bad movies! 

Wait Till Helen Comes is a decent horror movie about a family that moves into a church-turned-into-a-home and strange things start happening. 

2. Devil's Diary (YouTube)

A teen/ high school horror flick. Kinda inspired by The Craft but is still its own thing. A mysterious blank journal that makes evil desires come true falls into the hands of the high school outcast. All kinds of evil shenanigans happen. 

3. Solstice (2008 movie) (YouTube) 

A pretty decent horror-thriller movie. The print on YouTube is not the best but it is okay if you are watching it on your tablet or phone. We watched ours on TV and it was not the worst. The movie is quite decent. 

4. Haunting Sarah (YouTube) 

A movie about twins and twin connections that can often be sinister. It is a nice psychological horror movie. No jump scares but a nice build up of dread. Good if you (like my sister) don't like very obvious horror tropes. 

5. Road Trip (Prime Video)

A very slapstick and typical 2000s buddy comedy featuring a bunch of clueless college kids on a fast-paced, desperate road trip to prevent a buddy's girlfriend from watching the wrong video tape. Totally zany and chuckle-inducing. 

6. Euro Trip (Prime Video)

One of our favourite buddy comedies from the 2000s! Euro Trip is a hilarious travel mishap- insane shenanigans movie that, if you haven't, you must watch! 

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