Thursday 1 February 2024

Hello February + A (Less than Perfect)Day in My Life.

 Hello February! 

Hello Birthday Month. 

Hello my Favourite little month ever. 

I am happy you are here. 

All I want to do this month is find joy, read some favourite authors and books and turn a year older. 

That's it. That's the goal. 

So be Good and Gentle and Kind February. 

I made a little TBR for my month. 

I started my reading with some Ruskin Bond. 

Mukesh Starts a Zoo was sweet and wholesome. 

A good way to kick start my reading. 

Look how cute this cover is. 

Spent some time with my planners and made some lists. Moved into a new pencil bag. 

Decorated pages for the rest of the week. 

I am so glad my planner this year starts a new month from a new page. I cannot tell you how much it bummed me out when previous planners clubbed together two month. 

The rest of today was less than perfect. 

There were some loud AF construction sounds that ruined my morning. And my building is now being painted and your girl is deathly allergic to paint fumes. So most of today felt like I was being choked.. And not in a sexy way. 

Less than ideal start to my month if you ask me. 

But that's just life. 

Also, my Instax camera seems to have conked off.. 

Much wow. 


Hopefully the rest of the month is better. 

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