Saturday 3 February 2024

Weekend Reads: Jane Austen and Anne Tyler.


Back When We Grownups by Anne Tyler: I've never read an Anne Tyler I didn't love. I love how she writes women. Especially the kind of woman, who are often relegated to the background in other stories. This one is about a woman named Rebecca, who at age 53 is coming to realise she ended up perhaps in the wrong life. I am a little bit in and loving the gentle and thought provoking writing. 

I am happy to spend time with Rebecca, learn about her life and getting to know a huge (and very realistic and flawed) family and see how and if she decides to change her life. 

I am so happy to be reading another Tyler. 

Mansfield Park by Jane Austen: The only Austen I haven't read and it's time to fix that. Also, I am trying to read only favourites in February for my birthday month. So picking this up just makes sense. 

The plan is to read it through the month and take my time with it, it's pretty much how I read classics. Then find a film adaptation to watch once I've finished the book. 

I lined up some pretty highlighters and a sticky note pad to annotate my book. 

A cozy reading set-up. 

I found a nice sticky note pad in my stash that I had totally forgotten about. 


Hope your weekend is going well too. 

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