Saturday 29 June 2024

Weekend Files: Skies and Books and Coffee.

 Hello Loves! 

I hate that I've majorly slacked off on blogging this month. I don't even know what happened. I fell sick in the beginning of the month and then June just brought a ton of stress and worries and anxiety and I decided to loose myself in books and films and just hide from the world. 

For most part it worked. 

I hid, read and slept and tried to feel better. 

I am hoping July and the second half of the year is loads better. 

Moving on, here is what my weekend has looked like so far... 

Books, my current read that I am so close to finishing up. 

Reading moments. There is nothing better than reading in bed. 


Rain kissed flowers. 

The plan and hope for rest of the weekend is to just get cozy, watch some spooky films and eat some good food. 

Hope this weekend is treating you well. 

I love months that end with a weekend. 

Sunday 23 June 2024

Stationery Sunday : A Few Recent Favourites.


Hello Loves! 

Long time no see. 

Life’s been life-ing away. 

I’ve been reading, low-key journaling and cooking new recipes and resting. 

It’s been OK. 

Here are some recent stationery favourites of mine. 

Two cute pen pouches that hold an assortment of pens and highlighters. 

My gratitude journal and some favourite stickers. 

A felt envelope pouch for stickers.

And an open pouch with my most used pens. 

Thursday 13 June 2024

June 13th.


This day will always be about going back to school. 

Today has looked mostly like this. 

Staying in bed, reading and looking back on my school days and hoping for rain. 

Saturday 8 June 2024

Weekend Reads: Two Amazing Books.

 Hello Loves! 

This weekend finds me reading two pretty amazing books. 

One a young adult coming of age story, set in two time periods. The other a collection of beautiful short stories set in New York City and LA. 

I am enjoying both my reads very much and all I want to is read my books and hope for rain 🌧 this weekend. 

Zen by Shabnam Minwalla is a mix of history, revolution, love and Mumbai ❤

I adore this world and it's people and a story set in my lovely city. 

Table for Two by Amor Towles, I cannot believe it's taken me this long to read this author. His writing style is truly beautiful and simple and deep all at once. I especially love the stories set in New York. I am just starting off on the LA stories and looking forward to it. 

Friday 7 June 2024

Friday Favourites: Books, Films and Gulmohar.

 Hello Loves! 

Hello from a hot and humid Friday evening here in Mumbai. I am for one praying and hoping for Rain. I hope this weekend we see at least a sprinkling of some monsoon showers. 

Anyhoo, here are some things I loved best this week. Of course, the Election Results are my absolute favourite thing ever. Such a wave of hope and such a dopamine hit ❤ 

Here are some lesser faves for the week: 

Clouds teasing us but not delivering on their promise. 
I love grey skies and can't wait for some seriously cozy rainy days 🌧

Things I've Watched: 

Under Paris on Netflix is a shark attack film with a dose of climate change. Different and entertaining. I love me some shark films and this was good fun. 

Summer means re-watching some of my favourite Agatha Christie adaptations. These are streaming on Sony Liv and I cannot recommend them enough. 

Reading Faves: 

Read Mayadevi's London Yatra by Bulbul Sharma this week and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was light, fluffy, comforting and a good time. A perfect summer read and a great book to pick up on a busy week. This was simple and engaging and full of very relatable characters. 

Zen by Shabnam Minwalla is my current read and one I am enjoying immensely. Split between 1936 and 2019, this is the story about two Zainabs and their lives nearly a century apart. There is revolution, protests, love, romance and coming of age all wrapped up in humour and good writing. 
I am a 100 pages in and very excited to read this over the weekend. 

Oh Gulmohar season  ❤ 

I hope this weekend is full of rest and rain and reading. 

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Book Review: One Perfect Couple by Ruth Ware


Book: One Perfect Couple 

Author: Ruth Ware

Pages: 416 

Read on: Kindle 

Read in: ~4 hours 

Plot Summary: Lyla is in a bit of a rut. Her post-doctoral research has fizzled out, she’s pretty sure they won’t extend her contract, and things with her boyfriend, Nico, an aspiring actor, aren’t going great. When the opportunity arises for Nico to join the cast of a new reality TV show, The Perfect Couple, she decides to try out with him. A whirlwind audition process later, Lyla find herself whisked off to a tropical paradise with Nico, boating through the Indian Ocean towards Ever After Island, where the two of them will compete against four other couples—Bayer and Angel, Dan and Santana, Joel and Romi, and Conor and Zana—in order to win a cash prize.

But not long after they arrive on the deserted island, things start to go wrong. After the first challenge leaves everyone rattled and angry, an overnight storm takes matters from bad to worse. Cut off from the mainland by miles of ocean, deprived of their phones, and unable to contact the crew that brought them there, the group must band together for survival. As tensions run high and fresh water runs low, Lyla finds that this game show is all too real—and the stakes are life or death.

Things I Liked: 

1. The book is very atmospheric and well-paced. The author effortlessly brings the small island in the middle of the Indian Ocean alive along with the scared and exhausted state of its 8 inhabitants. The narrative is fast-paced and once the couples are on the island, the story moves ahead in breakneck speed. 

2. The circumstances leading to the couples' being stranded on the little island are nicely built up. As a part of a reality show, their phones and all electronic devices are taken away from them, so they have no means of communication at their disposal. Their families know they will be out-of-reach for a period of two months, so, no one thinks of raising an alarm. The resort where the show is being shot is brand new. So, it doesn't have any staff and so, there is no one else on the island but the 9 contestants at the end of the first night when the storm hits. The storm, of course, is what makes matters dire because it sets into motion the events of the book. 

3. Much like its source of inspiration- Lord of the Flies (and no, it is not like And Then There Were None)- the author does an adequate job in showing group dynamics and how some individuals assume leadership roles whilst some those of followers. Also, as days go by factions form and these factions are often at odds with one another. So, the group dynamics aspect was interesting to read about. 

Things I Didn't Like OR Wished Were Better Handled: 

1. Like most readers, I went into this book expecting some mysterious, behind-the-scenes murderer killing off the contestants one by one. However, that was not really the case. True, people die. Not just because of the storm damage but even after that, but these are not murders in the way all the pre-launch buzz about this book made them out to be. We all know who the killer is- that is no secret- which is, perhaps, realistic but also kind of disappointing. Look, I get that it is difficult to show a hidden killer on a teeny tiny island with not that many structures to hide in, but, at the same time, if we know who the killer is, then how is this book some kind of a murder mystery?! 

2. For all the comparisons and hat-tips to And Then There Were None, what was "common" between the five couples on the reality show was so flimsy. There was no real connection between them, there was no strong enough past wrong that was being avenged or corrected or anything of that sort. It was all very tenuous and this "connection" between the couples is something that the surviving members realise very, very late in the book. It is really of no real consequence and had nothing to do with the deaths in the book. So, that also was a bit disappointing. 

Rating: 3/5 
Mildly disappointing. The book is a decent, quick read but if you, like me, went in expecting a murder mystery, then you will be disappointed. This ain't a murder mystery at all. 

Sunday 2 June 2024

Sunday Diary// Book & Film Recommendation.


What Today Looked Like: 

Started a new book. Mayadevi's London Yatra by Bulbul Sharma is a charming, slice of life and bittersweet stories about regular people and ordinary lives. I am a couple of stories in and really enjoying this book. 

Still reeling from a fever, so most of today was spent sleeping off and sweating off this flu. Ugh. I feel so out of it and weak. 

Coffee in a tiny but happy mug. It's from Chumbak. 

Finally watched Godzilla Minus One and absolutely loved it. It's streaming on Netflix and you have to watch it. I love all things Godzilla but these new one (the American films) and the whole Godzilla is our a bit odd. I am much more inclined to think of him as a super villian. This Japanese film has some seriously good visual effects (it won the Oscar) but it has an incredible story and a whole bunch of amazing characters you grow to care about. It's got thrills and a heart. 

Saturday 1 June 2024

Hello June 2024.


Hello June! 

Hope you bring some much needed respite from summer. I hope you bring rains and clouds and perfect rainy days! 

I am so happy you are here. 

Sadly, my June is  not off to a good start. I have a fever and cold and I am feeling like a wet rag.


Hoping the rest of the month is better and broghter.