Monday 24 August 2015

Monday Moods/// Old Books of Mine.


Hope this Monday is treating you well. 

My week is off to a funny start--- my poor sister is down with bronchitis and fever. :(
And my ear feels funny...that pre-cold feeling. 

So lots of tea is being had and I am reading some Feluda stories to keep me happy. 
I had some warm, fluffy idlis and vaada and I am much happier.:) 

For today's Monday Moods post I want to show you guys some of my older books. Books I've had for 7-8 years and books that live under my little bench thingie. A storage spot of some of my precious books! :) 

I clean these books out once a year. Dust them. Air them out. Re-org them and dig out old loves I want to read. 

These are some pictures I snapped during the latest cleaning spree of my old books. 

I wish I had a proper library for my books. A room just for my loves. 
But for now this works...a wooden chest to hold my treasures. 


Happy Reading guys! 

I'll be back with some reviews tomorrow. I've been reading some lovely books!

1 comment:

CookieCrumbsInc. said...

But of course, there is Harry Potter <3