Tuesday 7 February 2017

To-Be-Read List: February 2017.

Since the month is just beginning...even if we are a week into it, I thought I'd share my TBR list for February. 
I did make a list for January but I read only 2 books from my list!
I know!
I went completely rogue! 
But it's still nice to make a list. I don't hold myself a slave to my TBRs. It's good to have a list as a guide but I go where fancy takes me. 
I don't think reading should be done with any sort of strictness. It should be fun and should always bring you joy. 

Now since it's been a week I've already read a few books! 

Books I've Already Read in February: 

1. Death Under The Deodars by Ruskin Bond. 4/5
2. An Autograph for Anjali by Sundari Venkatraman 3/5
3. See Me Not by Janelle Harris 2/5
4. The Confessions of a Page 3 Reporter by Meghna Malhotra 1/5
5. Maid in Singapore by Kishore Modak 1/5

4 of these were read on my Kindle and I read them for free via my Kindle Unlimited subscription. And I read all of these when I couldn't sleep at night. :)
Insomnia is made so much better when you have a Kindle and books on hand.

Now on to the books I want to read in the rest of the month!

1. Jihadi Jane by Tabish Khair 
2. Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin 
3. Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert 
4. The Help by Katherine Stockett (RR) 
5. A Farewell Song by Rabindranath Tagore 
6. Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling (RR)
7. A Murakami (any one of the books I own but haven't read yet!) 

These are my next 2 read all lined up and ready to dive into!

I will also read some books from my Kindle but those I pick and choose as fancy strikes me so I see no point in lining those up or even trying to plan them.
 I am in such a Harry Potter mood and think it's time to jump into  another spree of re-reading my favourite books. I might do just that on my birthday.

What do you intend on reading this month?

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