Friday 24 February 2017

Vignettes/// What I've Been Upto? + Reading Lately + Birthday Cake+ Colouring Books!


I have taken a sort of unintentional break here on the blog! 
It just happened. I was a little busy. My parents left on Sunday after being here for over 7 months, so my main intention for the last few days was to spend time with them. 
Also I had a birthday in the middle and that just often throws me off my blogging. 
There are some unavoidable birthday blues, nothing to do with turning older--that I love...getting older is a privilege. But birthdays have a way of making you re-think and evaluate everything about your life. 
Do you have similar thoughts around your birthday? 

I thought I'd come back and share what I've been upto for the last week or so. And then re-start the regular programming on the blog. 

What I've Been Reading Lately/// 
Some Tagore for Valentine's Day. I am still halfway through this book- Farewell Song by Rabindranath Tagore. It is poetic and lovely but I find it a little slow...I just need to sit down and devote some time to it. 

I've also read The Help again and loved it just as much as I did the first time around. It's such a good book. Uplifting and heart breaking and sad and important. 
5/5 all the way! 

I am currently reading Hats and Doctors by Upendranath Ashk, I am just three stories in and I love it so far in. 

Birthday Cake/// One of the cakes I got for my birthday, this one is a decadent chocolate mousse cake. So good! 
I wish I still had some of this around! 

Colouring/// I've been spending so much time with my colouring books lately. It is my favourite way to unwind and chill out and colouring just makes me so happy! 

Will be back tomorrow with some book reviews and such like. 
I haven't bought any physical books this month! 
Can you even believe it?! 
Normally I go all out and buy a ton of books for my birthday. But this year I am being good and keeping my book buying under control! 
I am trying to be sensible about my spending this year, mainly because I need to make some big ticket purchases this year. A new Macbook and I need a new camera. 
So my book buying has to be in control. 
Oh man! Maybe I am finally older and wiser! 

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