Saturday 8 January 2022

Weekend Reads: Two Books I am Currently Reading.

 Hello Loves! 

How is this weekend treating you? 

I hope you are home, safe and don't have a fever. 


It's awful starting this new year under the cloud of another wave coming at us. 

I just want all this nonsense to be over and some version of our normal lives to come back, but till that magical days happens we got just hunker down and do what we can. 

Me, I am journaling like no one's business and reading...not as much as I'd like you but enough. 

Here are my current reads. 

One is a re-read of a favourite author and the other is a beloved children's classic. 

Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri: Needed some Lahiri magic in my life this month and begin the year with her words and writing. Picked this one up, I don't think I've read it more than twice in my life and some bits of it initially felt a little new but as I am reading it and making my way through the stories, so much of it is coming back. I am currently about 38% through and this is enjoyable as always. Lahiri is one of my all time favourite authors and I always love her work. This is by no means by favourite from her writing but it's still pretty darn brilliant. 

I am taking my time with it and not rushing myself to finish it. Savouring a Lahiri is crucial to it's essence. 

The Ghost of Gosain Bagan by Sirshendu Mukhopadhyay, Translated by Nirmal Kanti Bhattacharjee Art by Debashish Deb: I am also reading this charming tale which is a classic Bengali children's book. I have heard loads about it from my cousins and family members and maybe even seen a film adaptation when I was little but I had never read, so when I saw a translation I picked it up. 
The book is cute and funny and very entertaining. I can see why it's so loved and feted. 
I am a little bit in and the story and the people and the charming art has me very hooked. 

Look at the art. 

Love this old man in a traditional dhuti and juto and shawl. Reminds me of several uncles and granduncles. 


I hope you have a lovely book filled weekend. 

Happy Reading Guys. 

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