Tuesday 4 January 2022

Book Review: The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy.


Book: The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and the Horse 

Author and Illustrator: Charlie Mackesy 

Publisher: Penguin 

Pages: 128

How Long it Took Me To Read: An hour 

Plot Summary: Enter the world of Charlie's four unlikely friends, discover their story and their most important life lessons. 

The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse have been shared millions of times online - perhaps you've seen them? They've also been recreated by children in schools and hung on hospital walls. They sometimes even appear on lamp posts and on cafe and bookshop windows. Perhaps you saw the boy and mole on the Comic Relief T-shirt, Love Wins? 

Here, you will find them together in this book of Charlie's most-loved drawings, adventuring into the Wild and exploring the thoughts and feelings that unite us all.

Things I Loved: 

1. This book was on my wishlist for absolute ages and I knew I wanted to read it at some point and I had a strong feeling I would love it. And Spoiler Alert- I loved it. I bought this book for Christmas and decided ti would be my first read of 2022. What a splendid idea and the best way to kickstart my reading for the New Year. 

2. This book is quite simple. Deceptively simple and so easy to effortlessly step into this world. These people and creatures just quickly and quietly walk into your heart. 

3. This book is great for everyone. Kids, adults and everyone in between. 

4. The message in this book is perfect- kindness, hope and courage and kinship. This message is perfect for everyone and especially during these terrifying and uncertain times we find ourselves in. It's a great reminder to focus on simple things and love yourself and ask for help and a reminder that courage and bravery can different from what you might think. 

5. I read this book with a smile on my face and warmth flooding my heart and by the end tears filled my eyes. A perfect reading experience. I literally hugged this book after finishing it and pretty much forced my sister to read it immediately. 

6. It took me an hour to read this book but these people will stay with me forever. This is a book I know I will keep coming back to. This will be an annual read for me here on out. 

7. I cannot recommend this book enough, it's one of those books that work for everyone. 

8. The art is lovely and beautiful. Look at some examples above. 

This is an incredible book and I cannot urge you enough to pick it up. 

Rating: 5/5 

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