Thursday 28 December 2023

Book Haul: December 2023.

 What is December without a little indulgence? 

I got myself a few books from here and there, throughout the month and here is a pretty decent haul of books. 

Some I've bought solely to read in January and have a good start to my reading year in 2024. 

Others were books I had on my radar for a while and I wanted and so I got them-simple and sweet. 

Let's jump into it. 

The Gallery by Manju Kapur, I've read pretty much all of her books and I have enjoyed most of them. So a new book from her is an autobuy for me. 
I am really looking forward to this one and I am saving this for January. 

The Memoirs of Valmiki Rao by Lindsay Pereira, this one sounds like something I'll enjoy a lot. It's set in my city- Mumbai and is about communal violence and how it affects people. Again, really looking forward to this one. I have heard nothing but good things about this one. 

How the Bamboo got its Bounty by Sudha Murty, this might be one of my first few reads of 2024. Something sweet, simple and beautiful and calming. 
These Chapter Books are always a good time. 

Habber-Jabber-Law by Sukumar Ray
A Bengali child's comfort and nostalgia. 
My Mum used to read out these stories and poems when I was a toddler. Every afternoon, before naptime these classic, fun and funny stories were a must. Back then I didn't realise how significant and iconic these were. I am so glad I get to read these in translation for myself. 

OK, these books I bought back in November but never got around to hauling, because I bought only two books all month. 
Well here they are. 

Fish in a Dwindling Lake by Ambai - Read and loved and very highly recommend this! 
So good. 

Subversive Whispers by Manasi, I'll be honest I bought this book quite randomly, mainly because I got it for some 78 bucks! 
I will not turn down a deal or the opportunity to try a new author and some short stories. I am excited to read these. 

Won't You Stay Radhika? by Usha Priyamvada. 
This might have been a cover buy but this sounds so good, it was written back in the 60s or 70s and it's about a father daughter relationship. I am intrigued. 

How the Onion Got its Layers by Sudha Murty, another cute little chapter book which I've already read and immensely enjoyed. 

I Named my Sister Silence by Manoj Rupda, trans. by Hansda Sowvendra Shekhar. 
This was on this year's JCB Prize short list and I wanted to read it. This wasn't an easy read, it will get under your skin and make you stop and think. 
It's relevant and important. 

13 Times by Cheryl Rao, short spooky stories. I bought these thinking they are for grown-ups but they are for kids..or young adults. 

Well, this was fun and a good time. 


I still have one last book on the way to me but that just might arrive on the 1st. So as of now these are all of my December books. 

Not bad. 

I didn't go full mad and order a bunch of books for Christmas, so I am kinda proud of myself for showing some restraint. 


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