Wednesday 4 September 2019

Haul: Book Sleeves from Book Bestie.


Today I want to share some absolutely stunning book sleeves that I am so in love with it. I was on Etsy one day, looking for Luna Lovegood merch. I love Luna and have very little Luna goodies. I was on a lookout to find some cute things to fuel my love for all things Luna. I came across these gorgeous book sleeves And got 2 for me and one for my sister and was so happy when these arrived in the mail. 

These are from Book Bestie UK, an Etsy shop. 
So check out the shop, it has a ton of beautiful book sleeves. 

Luna in all her glory. 
Ravenclaw colours. 
So perfect. 

Hermione + Books. 
This makes me bookish heart so happy. 

When in doubt go to the library. 

This one I got for my sister, with her favourite quote ever, we've always had this quote in our home in one form or another and now we have it on a book sleeve. 
I am currently using it to hold two of my main planners. And it holds them perfectly. 


- All of the book sleeves are so well-made. 
- The illustrations are gorgeous. 
- They have the print on both sides. 
- They are perfectly sized to hold most paperbacks. 

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