Friday 17 October 2014

General Whimsy: Diwali 2014 Wishlist!

Diwali is right around the corner and it's time to splurge and treat yourself or someone you love. There are a few things I've had my heart set on and I thought I'd share some of these things with you. Things to love. Things to want and things to wish for.

Here goes...

1. Since I am a self-confessed bookworm of course the first thing on my wishlist are books. These gorgeous books to be precise. The Random House UK re-designs of the Jane Austen books are totally darling. And utterly beautiful. I might have already ordered Emma and it is on my way as I type! So excite!!! But all these covers and their art is simply lovely and gorgeous and would look great on any bookshelf.

2. Keeping with the books theme, here is a bx-set I have wanted for ages. The Puffins Classic Deluxe box-set. Beautiful covers, pretty art and classic children's stories. What's not to love?

3. The Marc Jacobs Lolita eye-shadow palette. Basic neutral browns, some matte and some with a hint of shimmer and shine. So pretty. Perfect for everyday wear. I really, really want it!

4. I have heard only amazing things about the Tom Ford lipsticks. Diwali is the perfect time to splurge on a luxury/high-end lipstick. In my experience, they cost a pretty penny but you pay for the quality. I absolutely love love love my YSL lipsticks and Chanel lip-glosses.

5. Perfumes are a love of mine. Who doesn't like smelling divine? Chanel perfumes have always been my absolute faves. I am currently half-way done with a bottle of Chanel No. 5 and all done with Chanel Chance. So it is time to stock up on some new loves. I have my mind set on a bottle of Coco Mademoiselle, a perfume I have used years ago and it's time to re-buy.

6. Since I am still basically a child of course I want me some Hello Kitty shoes! Aren't they just the cutest darn things ever! Ever! Pink or in black these darling shoes from Vans have had me at hello. :)

7. Satchels are my undoing. My obsession. My great love and my big weakness. I just can't have enough. And if you are a satchel lover then you must have your heart set on The Cambridge Satchel Company goodies. I have crushed hard on them for years! I just love them. Their classic design. The clean lines. And all the old world charm. I WANT IT SO BAD!

8. Just look at these babies. Just look at them. Aren't they gorgeous!??? They are from Jaypore. I can't decide which one I love more. The blue one or the black one. Or both. Simply stunning. Simple but beautiful!

9. I have recently gotten a little obsessed with the idea of getting a brown leather backpack. When I say slightly obsessed I mean full-on mad. There is something so organic and retro about leather backpacks. Since I was a true blue child of the 90s, I did own a black leather backpack and to my utter horror a transparent one as well! I have looking online for the perfect backpack. I might have one from Fossil that I will get once it comes to stores in India. So excite!

10. Kikki K, a Swedish design firm headquartered in Australia, is one of my favourite stationery brands. EVER! They have the best planners and diaries and post-its and the like! It is all lovely! This Textured Pink Leather Planner is something I am obsessed with! It looks beautiful!

What are you wishing for this festive season? :)

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