Tuesday 2 April 2019

Book Review: The Adventures of Biplob The Bumblebee Volume 1 by Abhishek Talwar and Sonal Goyal

Book: The Adventures of Biplob the Bumblebee

Authors: Abhishek Talwar, illustrated by Sonal Goyal

Pages: 32

Publisher: Penguin India

Read: The ARC copy kindly sent by Penguin (pictured above and below)

Read in: 10 minutes

Plot Summary: Biplop is a very busy bumblebee. When he isn't collecting nectar, he is off on rollicking adventures to save his garden with the help of his friends, farmer Balram and the flowers. From harvesting water to saving baby plants from a dangerous infection, join Biplob as he comes up with innovative ideas that are always eco-friendly. 

Things I Liked: 

1. First of all, let's just admire the beautiful illustrations in this book!!!! See!!!



2. Now, let's get on to the story and other things. Biplob the Bumblebee is a beautifully and simply written story to teach children of the importance of bees and other creatures big and small in our natural environment and food chain. Covering critical topics like the role of bees in cross-pollination to the use of ladybugs as natural pest repellants, this little book packs quite a punch!

3. Simply and engagingly told, this book is a fantastic aid to teach children about the importance of water harvesting, of natural measures of pest control and how each animal and bird in our world plays a key role in keeping Mother Nature happy.

4. I really liked the problem solving style of storytelling in this book, which makes little Biplob the Bumblebee seem like the Eco Warrior Superhero we all need! :)

5. This is a great book to get kids interested in not only science but also, perhaps, gardening. I really enjoyed this book and have been recommending it to friends with kids in the 5-9 years age band.

Rating: 5/5 

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