Monday 1 April 2019

Hello April + All Bengali Books in April.

Hello April!

Hello Summer!

Hello Bengali New Year! 

Hello Reading Bengali Books all Month Long! 

Hello Elections! 

April promises to be action packed. 

Be Kind April.

Be Good. 

Be Gentle. 

Be Peaceful & Happy! 

I am so excited for April, it's the kind of summer I can endure. The days when it's hot but not killer hot. Where the evenings still hold a hint of spring. 

April also means reading Bengali books.
If you are new here, let me catch you up.
Every year, for the past 4 years or so, I've been reading Bengali Books all month long in April, in honour and celebration of Bengali New Year- Nobo Borsho, I read both books written originally in Bengali and then translated and I read books by Bengali authors writing in English. I support all sorts of Bengali writing and literature.

Now.. as excited as I am for this, I might, just might not do exclusive Bengali books. 
For most part I have some great books lined up for this month but if...if I REALLY feel like reading something else, I will. Reading should never be bound and cornered and structured so strictly that it doesn't leave any wriggle room for joy. And, reading if anything, first and foremost is JOY. And I don't want to ever feel trapped or constricted by my reading. So if and when I feel like reading something out of my Reading Theme, I will do just that. And not feel too torn up about it. However, I have some bomb-ass books lined up to read this month so I might just stay true to my Reading Goals. 

I will share my rough TBR soon. It is essentially a pile of Bengali books sitting on my shelves that I want to read soon. 

A little sneak peek! 

I have already started on my first book of the month-

All The Lives We Never Lived by Anuradha Roy.

Plot Summary: War, nationalism, and trees shape lives in unforeseeable ways in this novel about a family and a country struggling with enormous transformations. ‘In my childhood, I was known as the boy whose mother had run
off with an Englishman’ – so begins the story of Myshkin and his
mother, Gayatri, who is driven to rebel against tradition and follow
her artist’s instinct for freedom. Freedom of a different kind is in the air across India. The fight against
British rule is reaching a critical turn. The Nazis have come to power
in Germany. At this point of crisis, two strangers arrive in Gayatri’s
town, opening up to her the vision of other possible lives. What took Myshkin’s mother from India to Dutch-held Bali in the
1930s, ripping a knife through his comfortingly familiar universe?
Excavating the roots of the world in which he was abandoned,Myshkin
comes to understand the connections between the anguish at home
and a war-torn universe overtaken by patriotism. Anuradha Roy’s deeply moving novel tells the story of men and
women trapped in a dangerous era uncannily similar to the present.
Its scale is matched by its power as a parable for our times.

I am a little bit in, well more like 30% in and I am loving it so far. This book had been on my radar for far too long and I am so glad I am finally reading it. 

(You can read a small sample of the writing below.) 

I am happy and hopeful for April. 
I hope April is kind to you and me. 

Happy Reading Folks! 


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