Wednesday 1 April 2020

Hello April 2020! + All Bengali Books in April + Monthly Goals.

Hello April! 
I am happy you are here.
Hello Summer! 
Hello more days of Lockdown! 
Hello Bengali New Year! 
Hello Reading only Bengali Books and Bengali Authors all month long! 

I am hoping and praying that this month is happier than the last few weeks and I hope it is one where we find some semblance of our normal again. 
Be Good April. 
Be Kind. 
Be Gentle. 


This has been me today...a sloth. 
I am so sleepy since I didn't get a lot of sleep last night..4 hours or so. All of today was spent in a daze of sorts. 
I did a little bit of reading. I am still reading my last read of March, Know my Name by Chanel Miller, this is hard-hitting and wonderful and horrible and infuriating and exhausting but in a good way. I am 25% through with it and reading it slowly in small doses. 

This was my evening view this evening. 
This tree right outside my window has come alive in the last few days and these pink flowers are growing aplenty. 
It makes me so happy to see them coming along and greeting me every time I stand at my window. 

I also filmed and shared an IGTV video sharing what I keep in my Pencil Case. 
So head on over to my IGTV if you want to see what's in this unicorn pencil case. 
My id is Whimsybookworm on IG as well. 


1. Read 15 books. 

2. Stay sane and happy and chill. 

3. Don't worry so much. 

4. Spend time with my book journal. 

5. Do my reading wrap-up for the first 3 months of 2020. 

6. Cook delicious meals. 

7. Make iced-tea at home. 

8. Colour and art more. 


10. Blog regularly. 



April also means my annual ritual of reading only Bengali books/authors all month long in honour of Bengali New Year. This year Bengali new year will be sedate one given the situation all over the world. But I would like my literary life to be a month long celebration and read books from my corner of the world. 
So I read everything from books originally written in Bengali, the translations of course and I read books written by Bengali's in English. 
I am still pulling books from my shelves to make my TBR and once I have a stack of books ready to read, I will share my reading list on here as well. 
I am so excited for the reading this month. 

I hope April is good for you and me. 

Happy Reading folks. 
I hope you are safe, sane and sound at home. 

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