Friday 28 June 2013

Book Haul: Books of June 2013, Part II. /// Online Bookstores Edition.

Another haul of books! June has been a good book buying month. Or bad...if you see it from the bank balance perspective :) I choose to see it as a good thing! 

I got these books mostly from online bookstores and got most of them at pretty great deals. The last book I got at an indie bookstore and it promises to be a sweet little children's book...sometimes I am just in the mood for a sweet story and to be reminded of a simpler time. 

I've already read 4 books out of this pile. :) 

There will be another book haul of the June books in the near future. I received 10 books in the mail today and another one is on it's way. I don't even want to think about the total number of books I've acquired in June! Also don't tell my parents! They will not be amused!

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