Tuesday 4 February 2014

Vignettes ~ 4: Quiet Evenings In.

I am basically an old lady. My idea of fun has never mirrored that of other people my age. While the rest of my friends loved an evening out, in a pub or getting tipsy or being loud and alive, I much preferred the quiet life. And to this day, my idea of a good time is most likely a good book, a good movie or TV show and some good grubs. I also enjoy cooking, baking or being entirely lazy and staying in my PJs. Ah! I can't wait to get old and be wonderful old lady. Live in a quaint cottage in the mountains and have 12 cats to purr at me, a library the size of a small country and endless cups of tea and coffee. Oh..the joys!

Here are a few things I get up to when I stay in...

I like to arrange and re-arrange my plushies all over the living room. These two sisters, Cherry Kitty and Minnie The Mouse are from Etsy. 

I also occasionally air out my books that live in the trunk under the bench (how Harry Potter) and pull out books I want to re-read soon. I love playing with my books and it makes me very happy. 

Once the books went back in the bench, we added some of our notebooks and journals on top. 

Pretty notebooks and cute little sticky notes. 

Evenings in also include TV shows. At the moment I've been loving American Horror Story, Girls and of course Sherlock!!! 

If I am being good, staying in also includes some writing. Colourful pens are a must in my writing process! 

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