Sunday 12 April 2015

April 2015 To-Be-Read List.

It's the 12th day of April and my TBR is only going up now. 

I know...I am late but...gah..not going to bother with excuses. 

I have already read 2 books and 3 comic books this month. It isn't the best reading so far but it isn't the absolute worst and I still have quite  a bit of the month left. 

Let's see what I intend to read this month...

Sparkling Cyanide- Agatha Christie 
The Good Earth- Pearl S. Buck
An English Boy in New York- T.S. Easton 
My Lawfully Wedded Husand and Other Stories- Madhulika Liddle 
Collected Stories- Raja Rao 
Black Rose- Buddhadeva Bose 
Howard's End- E.M. Forster 
Something Happened on The Way To Heaven- Sudha Murthy 
Sula- Toni Morrison 
The Strings of Murder- Oscar de Muriel 
The Skinning Tree- Srikumar Sen 
Pashu- Devdutt Pattanaik 

Happy Reading Guys :)

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