Monday 23 October 2017

Spooky Reviews: Slasher- Guilty Party on Netflix

In keeping with the spooky season, we have for you today a TV/ Netflix recommendation!

If you enjoy slasher flicks, with an unknown killer gruesomely hacking away at unsuspecting victims, then Slasher: Guilty Party (Season 2) is the show for you!

Slasher: Guilty Party is set in the middle of Canadian wilderness. A group of five friends return to the property that used to be their summer camp after five years. They harbour a deadly secret from their past and have come back to lay these ghosts from their past to rest!

These five friends have to stay with another little group of people, who now live in the camp house as an intentional community called 'We Live As One'. These six people also seem to have a past that they're trying to overcome or avoid in the middle of nowhere and things start to go wrong on the very first day, when their local guide is slashed to death in the sauna!

Like any typical slasher flick, the body count piles up quite quickly and it is clear that the killer is out to extract vengeance on the five ex-camp counsellors, who had done something not-so-nice in the past.

However, please note that this show has a ton of blood, guts and gore, so if you don't enjoy that kinda stuff (we don't enjoy it that much, but it was okay for us), then don't watch this show.

The show is quite fast-paced and with each episode, we get to learn the backstories of the camp kids as well of the members of 'We Live As One'. With each episode, we also get to wonder why the killer is going about killing everyone indiscriminately?! Is it really about the missing girl Talvinder- the one who disappeared five years ago? Who is seeking revenge on her behalf? Why is it happening now? Lots of interesting questions to think about as the episodes go on.

We could guess who the killer is but the twist on the motive behind the killings is quite decent and quite a good twist.

This series only has 8 episodes and is a perfect binge-worthy show for a quiet night in!

If you have watched Slasher: Guilty Party, do let us know your thoughts! :)

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