Tuesday 28 January 2020

Reading Tips for Busy Days

The most common question or comment or well compliment I usually get is..How do you read so much? 
Normally, I thank the person and say something flippant like, "Oh, reading is my one and only super power."
That's not untrue. I do read a lot and do read pretty fast. But I think there is more to my reading like I do than I usually let on or give myself credit for. 

I am a fast reader, there is no doubt about that. I have on occasion finished a 450 page book in a day...a couple of hours actually. I also usually finish books in a day or two. In my world, reading a book over a period of 3 days is pretty rare. 

Also, and more importantly I ADORE READING. 
It's something I choose over all other distractions the world has to offer. 
I would rather be reading than doing anything else. 

So my reading speed and volume is defined my the way I live my life. 
I have in the past done one more post about How To Read More. But today I want to talk about the days and times in our life when life gets so busy that we find it hard to pick up a book and devote some time to reading. 
I've also been getting a lot of DMs asking for reading tips and after mulling over it for a few days here we are..


1. Make Reading a Priority: It is as simple as that. Choose to read. Make it a priority. Simple and easy. If you want to read more, do just that. Make the effort. Don't just say it do it. Have a stack of books that you are dying to read close at hand. Keep them accessible and read whenever you find the time. Don't be precious about your reading. Read when you can. Read while waiting for a bus or an appointment. Read before bed. Read first thing in the morning. The point is READ. Don't just plan or intend to read. Just do it. 

2. Put Away Your Phone: You don't need me to tell you that phones have taken over our lives and can be massive time sucks! So, if you are trying to read more, make a conscious effort to put away your phone and pick up a book when you have bits of free time. Every little bit adds up and before you know it, you'd have made a huge dent in your book! Reading or not, we could all do with a little less phone time! 

3. Consider Investing in a Kindle/ an E-Reader: A Kindle, or any E-Reader for that matter,  is light and portable. You can take it to work every single day without it taking up significant room in your bag. Kindles/ E-Readers also allows you to have a bunch of different books at your fingertips and so, if you are not in the mood for a certain genre or book, you can easily pick another one without having to lug multiple physical books around! 

4. Try Audiobooks: Reading does not necessarily mean the conventional definition of the term. If you have a really busy schedule or say you are a new mom, whose hands are always full (literally and otherwise!), audiobooks are a great way to get some reading in whilst doing chores, cooking, during your commute (if you are the one driving) etc.! Audible is a great audiobook app and I am sure there are some others as well that you can try. 

5. Read What You Love: During busy days, try reading books that you like. Suppose you enjoy romance or thrillers or literary fiction, grab a book from any of these genres instead of trying to read something off the Booker Long List or a Fantasy Fiction book! Stick to genres that you enjoy and chances are that you will find yourself picking up that book as and when you find the time during your day. Something that works for my sister, for instance, is reading crime thrillers during her busy phases. These tend to be fast-moving, fast-paced books and she manages to finish them fairly quickly because it is a genre she enjoys. 

6. Use Your Commute: Whether your commute to work is long or short, use it to read. As seasoned local train travellers, my sister and I used our 45 minute commute to read and listen to FM radio. Best kind of multi-tasking ever! We got so much reading done and it was such a good way to tune out noises and just escape into the world of our books! Even if your commute is short, there is no harm in reading for that 10-15 minute drive! You'll at least knock off one chapter of your book in that time! 

7. Join a Book Club: You don't necessarily have to physically go to a Book Club to join one! These days there are multiple celebrity and non-celebrity Book Clubs online (Instagram, Facebook, Good Reads etc.) that anyone can be a part of from anywhere in the world. Apart from the sense of community and discussions that a Book Club provides, it is a great place to find book recommendations! So, find a Book Club that you like and join it ASAP. 

8. Buddy Read: If you don't want to join a Book Club or can't find one that you like, then Buddy Reading is a great, easier-to-implement alternative for you! My sister and I often Buddy Read books together and it is a great way to motivate each other to read and then have a detailed discussion on the book. So, ask a friend, spouse or sibling if they'd like to read a book along with you and both of you can motivate each other and keep each other accountable and on-track! 

9. Make Small Pockets of Time for Reading: On insanely busy days, try and keep 10-15 minutes or half an hour (if you can!) to read. This can be before bed or when you feel like taking a break from work or just any time in the day when you feel that doing something else for a bit may actually help you be more productive. My sister, on very busy days, reads for 15-20 minutes before bed or when she feels like she has hit a wall work-wise, she picks up her book and reads for half an hour and then gets back to work. See if either of these techniques work for you. 

10. Reward Yourself: On busy days, tell yourself that if you finish x, y and z off your list, you will reward yourself with some quiet reading time with your beverage of choice. We human beings love being rewarded for good behaviour! So, once you have crossed off a bunch of items on your to-do list for the day, tell yourself that you've earned 15 minutes of quiet time with your book and chai. This is also a good way of de-stressing and practicing a little mindfulness even during very hectic days. Also, reward yourself when you finish a book! It doesn't have to be something big, but just something to remind you that you had a very busy, productive week and you also read a book! Nothing better than positive reinforcement to inculcate good habits, right? 

Enjoy reading! You will never regret the time that you spend with your books! :) 

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