Saturday 16 May 2015

Weekend Reads/// Set- 6.


Just here to say a quick hello and share the two books I intend on reading this weekend. 

Both of them are modern classics--- my preferred sort of classic. 

Other Voices, Other Rooms by Truman Capote~~~ who is one of my all time favourite authors, so I am really excited to get to this book. And it's a skinny little book at only 178 pages or so. So I should be able to breeze through it! 

My current read is The Fifth Man by Bani Basu. A translated book, originally written in my mother tongue Bengali. I am always looking to read more from my mother tongue and I have heard great things about this author and her work. I am about 25 pages in and I am enjoying this book. Hope it continues to be an enjoyable read! 

Have a lovely Saturday guys! 

My plan apart from reading is to possibly clean my shoe rack and organise my summer shoes and sandals. 

Also I migtht get some colour pencils in the mail today so som colouring might be on the cards!! So exciting!!! #childatheart 


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