Hello! Ah! April. Where do I even begin? What a month! Once again I find myself thinking long and hard at finding things I loved this month and my first impulse was to skip listing faves for this month and let this shitfest of a month be gone and done with. But honestly, even in all this mess, all this uncertainty, fear and anxiety there have been small moments of respite. Little silver linings. Finding bread. Making malpuas . A perfectly done pocha . A breezy day. Long afternoon naps. Cold showers. Writing again. Even in all this darkness there were moments of light. So here are some of my favourite things from this month. 1. Colouring: I can happily just zone out and colour for hours on end and never be bored or lost in my anxious thoughts. This little colouring book has kept me happily occupied and happy for most of this month. So glad I am a little hoar...