Hello! This post is a day old but my internet has been a total bitch this last week. Working haltingly and then not at all. Also I was in a terrible mood yesterday and didn't feel like blogging on a day when I wasn't feeling the best. So this weekly recap comes a day late. This was a decent week. Colours. My parent's wedding anniversary. Yum food. Lots of colouring. The end of January. Let's see what I got upto this week. Day 22 of 366: Roses! A bouquet of red roses at home from family friends. I love having fresh flowers at home. Day 23 of 366: Pages, rather pages of my ebook. Process is messy. :) The page is from Show Your Work! by Austin Kleon. Day 24 of 366: Kismi Toffee! Remember these? I love these elaichi flavoured delights. And of course they remind of my childhood and how much I used to look forward to these treats. Day 25 of 366: This has been a...