Monday 4 January 2016

Monday Moods: First Monday of the Year.


And here we are at the first Monday of the year. 
Mondays are not easy for so many of us.
And the first Monday of the year right after all the festivities of Christmas and New Year can seem a challenge. 

January can be hard month. 
The festive season is behind us and it's back to work and back to the business of living again. 
Plus everyone is harping about goals and resolutions and making a fresh start. 
I love making resolutions and setting goals for the new year.
I've been spending a lot of time thinking about what I want to do this year and what goals I want to accomplish. 
Making lists helps me. 
It keeps me focussed.
And the sheer act of list making calms me down. 

So on this first ever Monday of 2016..I want to make a list of all things I loved in 2015. 

1. Reading so many nice books. 
2. Traveling for two months. 
3. Seeing so much of my extended family. 
4. Re-adjusting my bookshelves. 
5. Buying fewer books. 
6. Backpacks.
7. Journals.
8. Hobonichi Techo.
9. Banana pancakes. 
10. Naps.
11. Cooking at home. 
12. Indian food. 
13. Instagram. 
14. Short-stories. 
15. Coffee. 
16. Hot chocolate. 
17. Scary movies. 
18. Doodling. 
19. Colouring. 
20. Making my home pretty. 
21. Wearing Indian clothes. 
22. Silver jewellery. 
23. Fauxdoris. 
25. Documenting my life. 
26. Blogging. 
27. Movies. 
28. Oatmeal. 
29. Rose milkshake. 
30. Grape juice. 

And so much more. 

May 2016 also bring many more loves and many more things to care about. 
Hope your Monday was nice. 

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