Hello Loves!
Another Friday and Another Batch some Recent Loves.
1. New books waiting to be read.
2. Cake for reasons big and small.
3. Cute Coffee Mugs.
This one is from Alom Merch.
They also have a website.
5. Beautiful Bookmarks.
These printed beauties are from Kartikey Shruti are so perfect.
6. My Instax which I picked up after ages this past week and clicked some pictures.
My pictures don't always turn out perfect but they sure make me happy.
My case is from Ali Express.
7. Ray Magic: This week has been spent immersing ourselves in the magic of Satyajit Ray.
We've been rewatching some old favourites.
Goopy Gyne Bagha Byne is a childhood constant love and comfort.
Watched it after a while and fell in love all over again.
We've also been watching some old Feluda films.
Baksha Rahasya.
Badshahi Angti.
Dr. Munshir Diary.
Most of these can be found on Youtube if you want to watch them.