Hello Loves! February is my most loved month. My birthday month and one I pin all these hopes and dreams on. Reading wise, I try to make February as special as possible and try to read my favourite authors only. This year I did manage to read some favourites but I also read some new-to-to authors. I read 12 books in total. Which for me is not the best number. But I was watching so many films this month and doing other life things that occasionally books took a back seat. I read some history, some literary fiction, some thrillers and a spot of kid lit. A nice mixed bag of reads. I also bought some books. A good-ish month. Let's jump into my reads and my mini-reviews of the same. Let's gooooo. BOOKS OF FEBRUARY: 1. Age of Vice by Deepti Kapoor: This book has some unreal levels of hype right now. People and papers (The Guardian) are calling it India's answer to the Godfather. Well, I don't kno...