Falling sick sucks! I have been flu-struck twice in the last fortnight! Eeek! The cold loves me a bit too much I think. I am so sick of it. There are few things that help me feel a tad better when battling the flu.
First up- boring things like meds and balms and tissues.
All that balm, though helpful with the cold is nasty for the skin and my poor nose is currently a violent shade of red, The Rosebud Salve really helps to soothe the skin and is great for my chapped lips. Also it smells divine. I love all things rose scented.
Another soothing, sweet smelling thing for my hands, colds often leave me smelling like menthol and I hate having that smell linger on my fingers, in comes this lovely smelling hand cream.
Having a woozy head from a cold and having a thick layer of balm means it's no time for my bangs. I like to push them back and off my face with silky headbands. I love these two, the digital ikat one is from Forever 21 and the floral one is from Aldo.
Colds are no time for heavy reading, I prefer reading fashion magazines and scary books (I am weird, I know!). I just got this book of ghost stories in the mail and will read it soon.
I also music and endless cups of tea- I am currently loving the Twining's Lemon Tea!
Sweet little faces also help plenty!!
I am a bit of a hippie, I like the idea of healing crystals and the like and when I fall sick my beliefs take a massive leap. I get my crystals out and wear them hoping to get better soon :) The little evil eye pendant is a new addition to my fix-me-up-jewellery collection :)
Tell me what makes you feel better when you're sick??? I am willing to try anything, this cold and flu has gotta go!