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Project 365 2015: Week 15.


I am back with another week in pictures. 

Last week  was a serious mixed bag. A lot of good and as well as a lot of stress and heartache. 

If you follow me on Instagram, you will know that last Thursday I had a lizard scare...I know..go ahead roll your eyes! It might be a small deal to most people but to those us---lizard phobes---it is a mighty big deal. Then on Friday we had a bit of bad behaviour from our downstairs neighbours. They are generally very good people but they acted liked assholes and very un-neighbourly. Gah! Rude and petty and uncouth people really, really bother me! 

So after that my mood was at a low. 

Luckily the weekend was nice and come Monday things were good again. 

I got my first every Cloth Dori (I am going to do a whole post on this, so stay tuned) this week and I love it. My sister is a massive fan of the Midori Traveller's Notebooks and has a little bit of a collection going, but I've never been particularly keen on them. Till my sister showed me some adorable prints on Etsy stores and I was all of sudden a bit keen :) We ordered mine and it arrived on Monday. Monday was seriously a good and joyous day! 

The rest of the week was nice. It also included Poila Boishak..meaning the Bengali New Year. So that also cheered me up immensely. of my close friends got engaged this week anddddd another one is visiting India from the US for a whole month and I will get to see her soon! So fun! 

So that was my let's see the pictures...

Day 99: A terrible start to a  day and I was in need of some much need cheer, and coffee and a brownie and a funny book. All three things in this picture. This helped. Also getting out of the house and people watching and just being. 

The day was not bad overall. It also included grubs at Indigo Deli and some book-shopping. Haul coming soon. :)

Day 100: We've been sleeping in the living room, in our cozy sofa-cum-bed and this is the view that greets me every single morning. My bright walls and my out of control towers of books. Basically, my utter favourites. Thank-you everyone who says nice things about my home and decor. :) I love this space. Cluttered but lovely. 

This staying in the living room is a mini holiday of sorts. And having the pull out bed open all is super fun and leads to a lot of naps and reading curled up and comfy. 

Day 101: A package in the mail! We ordered some cute things from Dulce Couture a while back and they arrived at the perfect time to cheer me up! We got a pencil case, a phone-case, a pair of glasses and the little notebook was a complimentary gift. So sweet! :) 

Day 102: My new pencil case from the haul above. A floral print I love and it looks small-ish but fits a ton of pen and is roomy and opens nicely, so once open I can see all the pens at once. Love it. And of course, my Hobonichi Techo with it's spring cover. Spend some time catching up with my journaling and planning. 

Day 103: Made a refreshing  glass of watermelon juice. Just the thing for hot, hot summer days! 

Day 104: A new cover for my phone. If you know me you know I love pigs/piglets! And I love puns! Are you play in the word suar, which means pig in Hindi. I also love this illustration and has a notebook in the same style. It's from Chimp Wear and I love it!

Day 105: Bengali New Year! I read, and am still reading, The Love Letters and Other Stories by Buddhadeva Bose and enjoying it. I used this darlingggg bookmark from Craftedvan an Etsy store that makes seriously cute bookmarks. I love this house from the movie Up and it just makes me happy every time I see it. 

So that has been my week. 

Hope you had a nice week too and I'll see you again next week. 

Have a good week ahead folks! :)


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