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Tag: Unpopular Opinions Tag!


I haven't done a tag post in absolute ages but I saw this tag floating around on the internets and it seemed like a fun thing to do. 

Unpopular opinions...honestly I have several of those. About movies, books, TV shows and even people. And I am not one to shy away from them. These are my opinions and I stand by them. Just because you love/hate something doesn't mean the whole world has to as well. So if some of my opinions mentioned here rub you the wrong way...chill...get over it...not all of us can agree on every single thing all the time. So let's just be adults about it. 

So here we go...

1. A popular book or series that you didn't like.

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. 
Looking for Alaska by John Green. 

I didn't hate any of these books...well not for most part. But I didn't like them and I don't see why people seem to LOVE these books damn much. Gone Girl especially to me seems like a very ordinary psychological thriller which was predictable and I saw the twist coming miles ahead. Very meh! 

2. A popular book or series that everyone hated that you loved...

The Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and his Years of Pilgrimage by Haruki Murakami. 
This is obviously not Murakami's best work and most people didn't like it but I enjoyed it and I loved how beautiful this book was..even though that is not the point of loving a book. 

3. A love triangle where the main person ended with the person you didn't want them to end up with..

Hmm....not really a love triangle but I wasn't a big fan of Harry and Ginny getting together. It seemed a little forced to me. Like a neat pairing off of all the people in the end of the book series. I was kinda rooting for Luna and Harry. :) I think Harry needed someone as nutty and quirky as Luna to balance the seriousness of his life. 

4. A popular book genre you hardly ever reach for..

Epic fantasy. Just not my cup of tea.
Also chick-lit is something I hardly reach for anymore. 

5. A popular or beloved character you didn't really like..

Ginny Weasley. I don't hate her or anything but I found her unspectacular. 

Also Becky Bloomwood from the Shopaholic books by Sophie Kinsella..I liked her till book 2 I think and then I just want to shake her and ask her to grow the fuck up and stop being so stupid and vapid and moronic. 

6. A popular author you can't seem to get into...

Ian McEwan...I own several of this books but I just haven't gotten around to pick them up yet. 
I really want to though. 

7. A popular book trope you are tired of seeing...

Hmm..I am a little sick of screwed by societies in dystopian books. I know that sometimes it feels like the world is going to hell but I seriously doubt that the future will be so astoundingly terrible. 

Also screwed up/ messed up / fucked up evil women characters who are the main protaganists. Following Gone Girl the bookworld seems a little too full of main leads that are just sociopaths. 

Also books full of unlikeable people. I get it the world isn't full of rainbows and unicorns but how can every single person in a book be bad and mean and nasty and not nice! 

8. A popular series you don't have any interest in reading...

Oh God so many and most of them are YA! 

The Throne of Glass. 
Shatter Me. 
Maze Runner. 

I am sure there are tons and tons more. 

9. A TV show or movie adaptation that was better than the book...


Sex and The City for sure! Wayyyyyyyyy better than the book. 
Pretty Little Liars again so much better than the books.
Bridget Jones's not better than the book but just as fantastic. the book and it was not nearly as freaky as the movie! 

Those are all of my unpopular opinions! :) 

If you love books  I tag you right now to do this post. 

Tell me if you do it I'd love to come by and check your post out.


CookieCrumbsInc. said…
You didn't like Gone Girl!! :O </3

Yeah, I never liked Ginny or made my peace with Harry+Ginny either...

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