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2016 Favourite: Top 16 Books of 2016 + My Year in Books!

2016 has come to a close. 
What a ride this year has been. Most people seem to be complain about this year but honestly, I had a pretty stellar year.

 I read 170+ books! 
I am pleased. Though this isn't the best reading year in terms of numbers. 2014, I am looking at you with your 295 books. You've ruined every single year henceforth! 

But I am not bumming out. I really am not!
170 is still pretty fucking amazing. Plus, this year I chose to take it easy with my constant reading. I still read a lot, and very consistently and enjoyed most of the books I read but I also took time to do other things. I traveled. I watched movies. I wrote. I cooked. I baked. I spent a lot of time with my family. I journaled. I art journaled. 
I loved that my year included more than just books. 
But books were my main love. 
I re-read a few of my old loves.
I read so many short story collections, honestly, 2016 was the year of short stories for me. 
I also read so much on my Kindle and fell in love with my e-reader. I sure have come a long way from being opposed to the idea of e-readers to really loving and appreciating it. If you were considering getting a Kindle, I can't recommend it enough. 

My only reading regret for 2016 is possibly not reading enough classics. 
I meant to, I really planned to but I just didn't! I wanted to read some of my Penguin English Library books but I just didn't. Not even a single one. :( I suck! 

I did read a few modern classics. 

I also read quite a few new releases, something I don't often do. 

Book buying was something I so good at this year.I actually bought books I wanted to read immediately and not just books that languish on my bookshelves. 
I also managed to keep things under control and didn't go batshit mad buy any book that caught my eye. I think I bought around 50 books this year. I am not 100% sure on the exact number but I am certain I didn't buy more than 50 books. That is a huge improvement over previous years when I've bought 30 books in a single month. :O 
I am very proud of my self-control. 
Go Pooja! 
*pats self on back* 

2016 was a good year for my bookish heart. 

Now on to my favourite reads. 

I thought I'd list 10 books I loved best but lo and behold I've come up with 16 books I loved best in 2016. 
Isn't that a sign of a good reading year if I managed to find myself with 16 books I loved? 
Also 16 books for 2016 sounds and looks good to me. 

So let's get started! 

I will list my Top 10 books of 2016 first and then mention 6 honourable mentions in the end.

1. Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys/// This book was a wonderful mix of all things I enjoy reading about--history, war, lovely and memorable characters, underdogs and bearing testament to a chapter in history we don't often read about. I loved this book. It broke my heart in so many places but I think books like this are essential to read and know what havoc war can create. So good!
A full review can be seen here.

2. Hattie Big Sky by Kirby Larson/// So good! So much heart and hard work and so much sense of community and kindness. Another war book of sorts, but the main focus of this book was a young girl working so hard to make a new life for herself and finding a place to belong. Full of wonderful people and a realistic ending. I loved this book so much and it works just as well for younger readers and older ones.
My review for this book can be found here.

3. Jorasanko by Aruna Chakraborty/// A more recent read which I loved so much. This book a perfect mix of fiction and non-fiction. A story of Bengal's foremost family of intellectuals and influencers. I loved every minute I spent with this book. So good.
A full review can be found here.

4. The Girls by Emma Cline/// A very hyped and talked about book of 2106 and for once I am on the bandwagon. This, dear readers doesn't happen very often! I loved the writing and the 70s vibes, I loved reading about cult life and the unsettling feeling this book evoked. Totally worth the hype.
Full review is here. 

5. Kismetwali & Other Stories by Reetika Khanna Nijhawan/// I read so many short story collections in 2016 and this was one I enjoyed so immensely. Full of fringe characters and their fascinating people. I loved all of the stories in the collection. This book was a happy surprise to me.
A full review can be read here.

6. The Fisherman by Chigozie Obioma/// Such a rich and layered story. I enjoyed so many things about this book---the writing, the characters, it's setting and the wonderful almost fable like quality in it. So good. A full review can be found here.

7. Shiverton Hall & The Creeper by Emerald Fennell/// I didn't read that many YA books this year. Not an intentional thing but it just happened so. This new (to me) book series just blew me way. A lovely mix of supernatural elements, a British boarding school and some very Harry Potter-esque vibes. So much to love. These books were such a fun ride! I can't recommend these books enough! And I can't wait for the next installment.

8. The Pearl that Broke it's Shell and A House Without Windows by Nadia Hashimi/// I have always loved books set in Afghanistan. This author has been on my radar for a while but only in 2016 did I finally get to reading her work and I am a fan. I enjoy her writing and her story telling style. I enjoyed both of these books and even did a full review for A House Without Windows.

9. Alphabet Soup for Lovers by Anita Nair/// A delightful little read. I read it on Sunday morning and fell in love with this quick little love story. I don't often (at all) read love stories but this one was sensible and believable and once again full of wonderfully crafted characters. Also this book had darling little illustrations and little lessons on food and ingredients. So fun and yet poignant.
A full review can be found here. 

10. The All Bengali Crime Detectives-II The Mysterious Death of Probhat Sanyal by Suparna Chatterjee/// This is pretty much my favourite Indian book series by a mile. So much Bongness and joy. Plus there is murder and mystery and delightful old men solving crimes. This book just makes me happy in so many ways. A full review can be found here.

You were a good reading year 2016.
I hope all of you had a good reading year and more than that I hope and pray all of you have a lovely 2017.

Thank-you so much for reading my blog folks :)
I can't tell you how happy it makes me when you guys ask me for a book recommendation or tell me you found a book you loved via my little blog!
Seriously! It makes me bookish heart very happy!

Thank-you so much for your love and support my fellow bookworms!


I'll see you next year with more book reviews, book hauls and TBRs and more glimpses of my bookish lifestyle.



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