July was an OK reading month for me. I read a fair amount of books and even some good books. But I didn't fall madly in love with any book I read. But I like that I read a mixed bag of books. There is a classic, some young adult, Indian writing, ghost stories, steamy romances and several re-reads. So in that sense it was a pretty good month. I finally read Northanger Abbey and it was amazing! Simply brilliant. Loved it. If you haven't read it, read it now! Reading it began my reading all six Austen novels this year. Next on the list is Sense and Sensibility..which I intend to read in August..maybe. I also enjoyed Jacob's Hill (review coming soon), After Dark (also to-be reviewed shortly) and Morality for Beautiful Girls. Currently I am re-re-reading the first Potter book just in time for Harry Potter's birthday. A good way as any to end the reading for the month. For next month's reading I might t...