Thursday 24 January 2019

Fashion Haul/// Embroidered Totes from Ahambhumika.


One of my favourite places to shop from is from local artisans. Especially rural artisans who work so hard to keep our handloom and handicraft traditions alive. I'd rather spend my money and support these artisans than give my money to big corporations. It makes me happy, so happy to support and in  my small way keep these arts flourishing. 

I came across Ahambhumika on IG and fell in love with their things. The aesthetic and art is simply splendid. And it's all made with love and by hand. They support rural artisans in and around Bhopal and help better their lives. A cause I am more than happy to support. 

I got a few things from them, some tote bags and cushion covers. 
Today I'll be sharing the gorgeous tote bags from them. 

Let's jump right into it..

Flying Free. 
My sister loves birds. So we couldn't resist getting this tote with flying birds on it. 
So gorgeous! 

Oh my! 
Look at how vivid and beautiful the work on this tote is. The embroidery is stunning and flawless. 

This tote reminded me of the old school Natraj pencils from my childhood. 
So cute! 

I am so happy with every single one of these totes. 

They are the perfect size. 
The embroidery on each item was perfect!!! Gorgeous! 

I highly recommend you check them out! 

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