Hello Loves!
Today started not good.
I was alll up in my feelings and feeling like shit.
So I took a nap and woke up feeling motivated to do something good.
I cooked myself a comfort meal, a Bengali meal. Made some simple mooshurir dal and shade aloor torkari.
And we finally put up our tree.
Here are some glimpses of the sweet things from today.
This year I decided I wanted some bows on my tree.
I can't find my favourite Christmas ornaments, which I last saw in 2019 January. I am so heartbroken but what can you do?? I've just misplaced them.
So I wanted to add something new to my little tree.
My sister made these bows for me, we had a whole roll of silver glitter ribbons from Staples in Bangalore, that I bought back in 2010 or something.
Old baubles.
So much light.
The rooms looks and feels so warm and lovely instantly.
I love having the tree up and lit and done and it makes me so happy to walk into my living room and seeing the tree.
A chocolate tart to end a lovely night.