Some more of my bag loves from this year. Three out of these five bags are satchels. Hmmmmm..if you didn't know this about me, let me make it amply clear, I am a LOT in Love in all things Satchels. I just can't, simplyyyyy can't turn away from a decent satchel bag. It's my weakness. My love. My massive addiction. I just love them. The old-school vibes of a satchel bag just does me in. I love them.
From top to bottom these bags are from...
Shaun Design backpack.
Tan satchel: This was a gift from a friend..I am not sure where it's from exactly. But Thailand..maybe?
Owl Satchel from Accessorize
Kantha stitch jhola from a handicrafts exhibition.
Princess K Satchel via Limeroad.