Sunday 13 December 2015

General Whimsy: Bookshop Browsing.


2015 was a year where I bought more books in bookshops than I did online. 
I've always wanted to support bookshops and I think if people stop buying from bookshops then it won't be long before bookshops disappear altogether. 
I love bookshops.
And bookshop browsing, it's one of my favourite things in the world to do. 
And it breaks my heart to see bookshops close down. 

I could spend hours in a bookshop. 
I love finding new, unknown to me books, which sometimes is hard to come across and find online. 

I haven't had online bookshops buying spree since July...which is a long, long time for me. 
Instead I've been buying books in person. 
From Crossword. 
From Kitab Khana.
From Granth. 

Buying fewer but much loved books. 


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