Friday 6 May 2022

Book Haul: Books of April 2022.

 Hello Loves! 

Time for a little book haul. 

I got these books a few weeks ago, some books I have wanted to read for a while, I bought these on a day when I was feeling a little blue, so this is essentially a little 'cheer myself up' book haul. 


Let's quickly jump into it. 


Ikigai by Hector Garcia Francesc Miralles: Something everyone seems to have read and loved and raved about. I have been meaning to read this for ages and I am so happy I finally got my hands on it. I am hoping to read it this month itself and see what the fuss is all about. 

Azadi by Arundhati Roy: I have already read and LOVED this book. It was my last read of April and it was a splendid way to end my month. These essays about India today and the painful level of intolerance and what it means to write fiction in this world..was seriously well-done and thought provoking. I absolutely loved it. 

Here, There and Everywhere, Best-Loved Stories of Sudha Murty: I have read pretty much everything SM has written, and I really enjoy her cozy and easy stories and the wonderful characters that her stories are weaved around. So this book, a compilation of her best work should be fun read. Well re-read. I am looking forward to it. I haven't read one of her books in a while and a re-visit is just what I need. 

A Wild Sheep Chase and The Elephant Vanishes by Haruki Murakami: Picked up two Murakami's I haven't read yet and needless to say I am can't wait to read and love these. Murakami is a forever favourite and ones I am always very happy to jump into. 

An Era of Darkness by Shashi Tharoor: Some nonfiction to read something a little different. And some Tharoor because it's been a while since I read something by him. 


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