Women in Translation: 25 Books by Women Writers You've Got to Read. (Books from India and Elsewhere.)
Hello Loves! August is Women in Translation month and a time to read and talk about the incredible stories that exist in languages other than English. There is such a treasure trove of stories and characters written in various languages (regional languages in India and many international languages) and I am so so so grateful for the work translators do to make these stories accessible to all of us. I've been meaning to compile this list all month long, but it's taken me forever to sit down and get this written. I will split this post in two parts, Part I is All Indian Books. Part II is Books from All Around the World. So let's get Started. First here are some Indian Women Writers you need to/ have to/ got to Read. INDIAN WOMEN IN TRANSLATION: BOOKS TO READ 1. Matchbox Stories by Ashapurna Devi (translated from Bengali) 2. The Kept Woman and Other Stories by Kamala Das (translated from Malayalam) 3. Lifting the Veil by I...