Friday 28 May 2021

Monthly Favourites: May 2021.

 Hello Loves! 

Another month is nearly over and it's time to focus on what were the silver linings of this month. 

Aka the favourites from the month of May. 

This month felt both long and never ending and yet went by in a blur. 

It wasn't the happiest of months, like most months in this year from hell. 

But there were a few moments of joy and happiness. 

Here are some of them. 

1. Reading: My reading life was kinda amazing this month. I read some incredible books this month. I read around 15 books this month and most of them were so good. The wrap-up will come on the 31st and I can't wait to talk about my reads this month. 

I also bought some books this month! 

Physical books and ebooks! 

A good bookish month. 

A blessing. 

I read Jhumpa Lahiri and Murakami this month and honestly I couldn't be happier. 

2. Reading & Watching Ray: This month started with Ray's 100th birthday and we spent this whole month re-watching our favourite Ray films and I spent it reading this Memoir and some Feluda stories. It was the highlight of my month. 

We watched: 




Feluda Films- a whole bunch of them 

Kapurush Mahapurush 

3. Rainy Days: May blessed us with some amazing drizzly, rainy days and I am so grateful for milder days and perfect weather. I loved sitting on the terrace, watching the clouds and reading a good book. Simple, quiet pleasures that are seriously a blessing. 

4. Journaling + Art Journaling: I found a lot of comfort in journaling this month. It was the best way to unwind and zone out when the world feels like a lot. I journalised, collaged and lost myself in som prettiness. 

5. Luna Tote from Studio Joyeeta: I commissioned a Luna Lovegood tote from Joyeeta a couple of months back and this month this thing of absolute beauty and joy arrived and made my day. Luna is one of my favourite characters from Harry Potter. I love her quirky and zany vibe and oddness and her intelligence. So I wanted her, albeit in a desi avatar in my life. Joyeeta was the artist I could trust with it and she has outdone herself. Look how pretty! 

I am so in love. 

6. Flowers: The rains brought some bleeding heart blooms in our world. I love these little flowers and them blooming in our front balcony has made me so happy. 

7. Jewellery from Naksha Art: I got the most gorgeous jewellery pieces from Naksha Art. Earrings, Rings and Brooches and one necklace. Ah! So stunning. I cannot wait to wear these when things are back to normal. 

8. Favourite Shows: This month I watched a lot of desi content, web-series on OTT platforms and films. 

There was a lot of re-watching, Ray for most part. 

Other than that some of favourites were: 

Chupke Chupke- A Pakistani TV show on Hum TV which was a Ramzan special. It has 36 episodes and it's a light and fun and romantic and it was a good break from all things hard. All episodes are available on Youtube. 

Crash Landing on You- Our first ever K-Drama! And one we loved. So good. Warm and funny and fuzzy. 

Doctors- Another K-Drama and we are still making our way through it and we love it. 

I also watched the Friends Reunion last night and man, I cried and laughed and now I will re-watch the show again. It's been far too long and I could do with some laughs in my life. 

My other joys in May were..

Reading on my Kindle .

Sleeping Well. 

Time spent with my family. 

A little shopping. 

I hope May was good for you too. 


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